The Young Church

Monday, February 20, 2006

Feb 18--Marcos Martinez from the MACC Organization

Marcos shared some great definitions of the following terms:

Ethnocentrism: a room full of mirrors--the assumption that one's cultural view is central to all reality...

Ethnorelativism: a room full of doors--cultures are relative to each other...

Culture is the Collective Soul of a People: a gift handed down to us by our ancestors...

Culture encompasses how and who we are, how we think of family, how we celebrate, what we eat, how we eat...

Culture is our inner clock--how we communicate, how we relate, what we believe, how we feel about God...

Culture can be compared to an iceberg...
the tip of the iceberg is the external cultural comprised of our behaviors, dress, customs, language, foods;
the iceberg below the surface is much more massive and comprised of our attitudes, values, mindsets, thought patterns, perceptions, myths...


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