The Young Church

Saturday, March 25, 2006

We Send these Religious Leaders Forth With our Prayers and Blessings

Top Religious Leaders, Our Own Rev. Jon Pedigo and Rev. Eduardo Samaniego, Step up Protest to Anti-Immigrant Legislation by Going National

What: Bay area congregations will hold special masses on Saturday and Sunday to bless their priest, pastor or rabbi as they prepare to join the national protest of anti-immigrant legislation in Washington D.C. on Monday, March 27. The seven clergy from Northern California will join hundreds of religious leaders from twenty-six states in a silent vigil in the halls of the Senate and on the lawn of the Capital to call the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject xenophobic provisions in immigration reform legislation.

Visual: Congregation members gather around their clergy and lay hands them in prayer and blessing praying for compassionate and humane immigration legislation.

When: Saturday, 6:30 PM March 25, 2006
Where: English Mass
2040 Nassau Dr., San Jose, 95122
Most Holy Trinity

When: Sunday, 12:30 PM, Spanish Mass
Where: 3261 23rd St., San Francisco
Mission Presbyterian Church (Iglesia Presbiteriana de la Mision)

When: Sunday, 9:45 AM English Mass, 1:45 PM Spanish Mass
Where: 366 St. Julie Drive, San Jose 95119
St. Julies Catholic Church

Who: Rabbi Allen Bennett, President, Northern California Board of Rabbis
Fr. Jon Pedigo, Representing Bishop P.J. McGrath, Diocese of San Jose, St. Julie Billiart Catholic Church
Rev. Carol Been, Director of the Interfaith Council, for Religion, Race, Economic and Social Justice, Representing Bishop Mullen, Sierra Pacific Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Rev. Phil Lawson, Interfaith Committee on Immigrant Rights, Representing Bishop Shamana, Northern California-Nevada United Methodist Conference
Fr. Eduardo Samaniego, Representing, Provincial John McGarry, California Jesuit Province, Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Rev. John Freesemann, Representing California Council of Churches IMPACT, Holy Redeemer Lutheran Church
Rev. Mauricio Chacón, Presbyterians For Just Immigration, Iglesia Presbiteriana de la Misión

Why: The Senate Judiciary Committee will begin debate this Monday on what to do with the 12 million undocumented people in our nation. Senate Majority leader Bill Frist has threatened to present a draconian replacement bill on the same date, regardless of the status of the Judiciary Committee's deliberations. Hundreds of religious leaders and thousands of community advocates will join in silent witness of the millions of lives affected by this kind of legislation “fueled by fear and hatred”. Rev. Carol Been, Director of the Interfaith Council states, “We are traveling to Washington to pray and to persuade the Senate Judiciary Committee to find a compassionate, fair and just solution to a complex problem. Let’s not let bullies like Sen. Frist force us into criminalizing compassion or unduly punishing those who have been forced to become economic refugees.”

For more inof please check out the following:

USCCC on justice for immigrants:
Work of the People:
Bishop McGrath's Statement on Immigration:

About The Interfaith Council for Religion, Race, Economic and Social Justice
Formed in 1997, the Interfaith Council is an association of clergy and laity working with labor and community organizations to promote social, economic and racial justice in Silicon Valley and beyond. Through the promotion of human solidarity and the common good, we are creating an inclusive community of justice, abundance and peace. We realize that vision by empowering low wage workers and their families, education congregations and providing the means for a diverse community to advocate for religious, racial, economic and social justice for all.


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