The Young Church

Monday, May 29, 2006

Fr. Mike's Faith and Flicks on the Da Vinci Code

--By Fr. Mike Carson
There have not been any movies worth going to. I do not review movies that are rated "R" or "NC-17" so that limits the availability of movies for review. The De Vinci Code is also not worth watching, but I had to review it for all of the talk that it is getting.

De Vinci Code
(Rated PG-13)

When I was a kid, I remember being in a drive-in-movie theater, back in the day when they had drive-in-moves. The movie was a fictional account of slavery in the south. It was not so much about slavery as about gratuitous violence done to entice movie goers. During the movie I went to the snack bar. There was a young African American boy about my age. When he saw me, he ran up to me and smacked me hard in the mouth. He told me I deserved it. I presume he meant that I deserved being smacked in the mouth because of what he saw on the screen and not because of the way I held my popcorn! He did not make the difference between a factious story on the screen and reality. Hence, my painful jaw. As for the “De Vinci Code”, I have been told by a lot of friends not to take this movie seriously; after all it is just “entertainment”.
I am willing to be entertained, that is why I buy my ticket, however, this movie, the book, and the people behind it have a very open agenda against Christ, and against the Catholic Church. The scenes of gratuitous violence are there to try to keep the audience’s interest as they continue the diatribe of smearing and maligning slander against my faith. My faith I take very seriously. Although artistically this not a serious movie, I do take their attacks against faith seriously.
It would be nice to think that people will use the movie to find out the real facts about St. Mary Magdalene, their faith life and the history of the scriptures and the Church. My fear is that they will just smack the Church in the face and tell them that deserve it for what they see on the screen!



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