The Young Church

Monday, July 10, 2006

DSJOYYAM Update---July 7, 2006

Diocese of San Jose Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries
Update July 7 2006

Hello Colleagues in Christ!

I hope you are all getting a chance to rest up this summer.

Tahoe Update

We all made it back safe and sound from our Tahoe Trip. It was awesome and a great success.

This retreat has been building, growing, evolving for eleven years. As with all things of value—it is time to evaluate this experience with an eye to its longevity and as a model of best practice for youth ministry. This evaluation is to support this experience for the long term.

I am putting together a task force of YMC’s, priests who have been involved in Tahoe over the years, and YA’s who have worked on this retreat and experienced it as teens, to evaluate this experience in light of the Pastoral Plan and the vision of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

This is the plan:

Ø To bring it closer to home so that our parish leaders, pastors, parents, can see what this experience is about for the youth who participate, and the young adults who are coordinating and directing it;

Ø To address the issue of justice: Is it ok to spend $10,000 alone on transportation?

Ø To ensure that leadership development is an objective by incorporating leadership workshops into the workshop schedule, so that the issue of leadership is clearly addressed;

Ø To keep it intact and to continue with the format as it has been evolving by the directors and committees who work so hard each year to make it happen.

I hope that you will support this undertaking—the Spirit will be present wherever we gather. I am convinced that this retreat can be a catalyst in igniting youth, youth ministry, and parishes together in service to the Young Church

I hope to have the work of this task force completed by September so that we can begin the work for 2007.

National Conference for Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders---

From Andi Grandy:

Hi All,

I'm hoping that you've heard of the National conference. Think LA Congress completely focused on Youth Ministry.

This year is in Las Vegas. The dates are Nov 30-Dec 3.

Here is the link for more information. Registration is $210.

I found a great deal from Expedia for flights from San Jose to Vegas (& back) plus 3 nights at a hotel 1/2 a mile away from the hotel for a total of $396. We'd leave at 1:30 on the 30th & return home at 9pm on the 3rd.

Are you interested? Val Liberty, Nancy Pointier & I are going to try to book next week. If you'd like to get on board with us please let me know by Monday, July 10th.




I hope many of you have an opportunity to attend—it will be great for all YMC’s and a lotta fun!!!! ss


Summer Teen Series

Andi Grandy, Val Liberty and Rob Manfrey from Deanery 2 are offering a great workshop for July regarding sexual abuse through the rape crisis center. I have attached the flyer for this.


National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association

The National Conference for Young Adult Ministry is happening right here in San Francisco, August 4-6 at the University of San Francisco-“TAKE ME AS I AM”

There will be:

Ø Liturgy with Bishops

Ø Young Adult Leadership Track

Ø Dinner and Dance

Ø National Speakers

The purpose of the conference is “connecting with Jesus, the Catholic Church, the Mission of the Church and a peer community”.

Info: www.SFYAM.ORG 415-614-5595

I hope many of you can attend!!!!!! Please pass the word to the YA’s in your community.


New Interim Director for SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry

Kay Polintan who has been the YA Youth ministry person for five years is now the interim director for SJSU Catholic Campus Ministry. The community at SJS has been developing small Christian communities through Renew international which is closely linked with the TOT-RI Young Adult Ministry. Kay is excited that the ministry at SJS has grown this past year! Kay also serves on the YA Leadership Group and YM Advisory Board. She has been a wonderful teacher to me about campus ministry and has been a great asset to our boards.


Theology on Tap and Renew International

We have contracted with TOT-RI to begin this ministry here in the DSJ

We have hired a young adult, Darlene Tenes, to coordinate market and publicize this to YA’s and parishes in the DSJ community. She is a marketing specialist and will be a great asset in igniting this ministry. We will be holding meetings with the People from TOT-RI for all those interested –soon! They will be conducting informational meetings for pastors, parishes and young adults who wish to host this event in their communities. More info coming soon!


We have a DSJ YA Leadership Group

This group came together for the first time in May and will be meeting again on July 20 to set some visioning and planning for YAM 2006-2007. One of the agenda items is communication via a website with forum capabilities, identifying and networking YAM communites in the DSJ, structure of if the DSJ YA leadership group itself, meeting with Darlene Tenes--communication coordinator for the TOT-RI process.

YAM is growing here in the DSJ----we have a fairly new core team from Deanery 2---who meet monthly at St. Athanasius, and a growing YA group at St. Julie's.


Youth and Young Adult Day—Saturday, September 16 noon-midnight---“Bridging the Gap”

Mass with Bishop McGrath at 5 pm.

Artists include:

Exodus, from Mitty High School, Lytehouse, Alex Vo and Megan Gluhan, Jon Mononongo, John Grassadonia,

Special Keynote speaker, food and vendor, an evening DANCE and much more!

The YMC’S expressed that they would like this to serve as a kick-off-- networking opportunity for YM in the DSJ.


New YMC Orientation-July 24—10- noon St. Joseph’s conference room

If you would like to attend or if you are a pastor and would like to send someone—please RSVP me as soon as you can so that I will have enough supplies on hand.

For new and almost new YMC’s. The purpose of the orientation is to provide the following:

A history and overview of Catholic Youth Ministry in the United States;
Tools for visioning, strategic planning and how to make this manageable;
Understanding of catechesis as the heart of this ministry and how we need to do this in ways that are new, out-of-the-box, and which incorporate the
multi-dimensional lives of our youth;
Resources and experts in the field that are at your fingertips;
Information about what we are doing for YA ministry this year
Information regarding the National Conference for Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders coming up in Nov-30 Dec 2, 2006.
(I hope you will be provided with some financial support to attend this conference which will nourish you in your ministry and connect you to thousands of others who share this work with you);
The Vision of the DSJOYYAM in light of the Pastoral Plan of the DSJ: Renewing the Church;
The building of a network and support among and with yourselves in this ministry so that you always know that you are NOT alone;
Last but never least--your needs, concerns, suggestions, ideas, vision...

Youth Council-YouthLeader

Nine of our youth council members will be attending YouthLeader Training in Lafayette this coming week. The remaining nine will attend the YouthLeader training the week of July 24. They will be commissioned Sept 16, 5 pm at Mass with Bishop McGrath- St. Julie Parish. Keep them in your prayers.


I will be out of the office the week of July 10-15, on an Immersion Trip with St. Julie Parishioners to Tijuana. I speak about justice, I write about it and it is a big part of the vision from the DSJOYYAM. This is one way I will DO some justice in community with this group of people who are giving of their Time, Talent, and Treasure (and homey comforts) to work for others who have nothing. I am happy to be taking one of my sons with me. I have been traveling a lot this past year and it is difficult for me-- for all mothers, to be away from their children—even if they are bigger then me!!!!

Keep us in your prayers!




Sandy Velasco Scott

Associate for Youth & Young Adult Ministries

Diocese of San Jose


Read: The Young Church

Save the Date!

Faith Formation Conference:

Empowering Those in Ministry

"Rooted in Faith, Embracing our Future"

"Arraigados en la Fe, Abrazando Nuestro Futuro"

November 10-11, 2006

Santa Clara Convention Center


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