The Young Church

Monday, July 17, 2006

St Julie parish Community builds community in San Enrique parish, Tijuana

The teens from St Julie parish who were part of the group who came to San Enrique parish to build a house, finish a concrete flooring and grow in community with the members of San Enrique parish. This group spent three days together putting in concrete flooring in the chapel. It was grueling work hauling concrete up the hill to where the chapel is being built. They worked independently the morning of the first day but then realized that if they worked together in a chain gang, then the work would go much faster and they would expend less energy. They shared their new understanding of teamwork with us at the day's reflection time. It is an understanding born of process and experience--the truest teacher. These young people came to Tijuana as acquaintenances or strangers, and left as close friends.


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