The Young Church

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cafe Soul

Cafe Soul took place Friday evening, September 9, at St. Francis of Assisi parish. Performers from groups such as LYTEhouse, Arise, IXD, and Philtered soul came to play inorder to raise money for the GK777 benefit event for the people of the Philippines. GK stands for Gawad Kalinga which means, "to give care." The number 777 is their goal to build 700,000 homes in 7,000 communities, in 7 years for the people trapped in poverty and live in slums. This model that they have created is so successful that the United Nations is studying it to bring it to other 3rd world countries to shelter the homelessand give dignity back to the people who have lost it. No more slums, No more violence, No more poverty for more information please visit


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