The Young Church

Monday, February 20, 2006

Feb 17-18--The Youth Ministry Internship Coop Training Experience

"The Youth Minitry Internship Coop provides professional youth ministry training for Young Adults ages 20-39, who are engaged in paris youth ministry programs that serve multi-ethnic and socio-economically diverse Catholics in order to strengthen and expand the Church's outreach to these underserved youth."

Over 30 interns in training have been participating in the intense training provided by the member parishes of this deanery since August 2005. This past weekend, the group trained Friday through Saturday evening. The training focus was on multi-culturalism and evangelization for youth provided by Marcos Martinez of MACC, the Mexican-American Cultural Center out of San Antonio; and Catholic Social Teaching and faith presentation for adolescents provided by CST specialist Sean Lansing from the Center for Ministry Development. I learned so much on Friday evening in a simple exercise that Marcos led us through. Sean is absolutely passionate about his love for Catholic Social Justice Teaching. I have personally learned more about CST from the passion of the people who work in this ministry than any methodology or text I have ever read, and Sean is no exception!

The following photos are of this diverse group of young adults whom I worked with and learned so much with this past weekend. Best Practice at its Best!!!!!
For information about the work of the coop please click on the following web address:


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