The Young Church

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Parishioners at St. Julie cover Fr. Jon Pedigo with blessings as he prepares to leave for Washington DC...Scroll down to find out WHY...

PACT Candlelight Vigil for Just Immigrant Reform – Monday,
March 27th

Many immigrants in our community are under fear. US Senate are discussing
immigration reform provisions that would not only criminalize the undocumented but also would criminalize all those who assist them - who help to feed the poor and the hungry.

We hope you can come to the candlelight vigil to support of a comprehensive
immigrant reform, to urge our local official to pass a resolution condemning
federal bill that will divide our communities and to be in solidarity with a
group of religious leaders who will in Washington the same day.
Monday March 27th, 6:00-7:00 pm in front of San Jose City Hall-- Please pass the word.


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