The Young Church

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Youth Ministry Coordinator's Retreat---Frs. Jon and Rick lead the way....

to the chapel where we ended the day with Mass...
Friday-March 17,2006 although a bit rainy and overcast turned out to be a beautiful day for the Youth minister Coodinator's retreat. It was a day to "uncover" all that takes us away from the one true thing that Christ has given us for the transformation of the world--the Cross
We began the retreat praying together the following questions and reflecting on them together but in silence for one minute each.
Litany for Youth Ministry Coordinators
How did I come to this ministry?
What is energy giving in this ministry?
What drains me of energy?
What are the challenges?
How do I overcome these challenges?
What gifts do I bring to do this ministry?
Am I passionate about this ministry?
If so, what is the source of the passion?
Who are my mentors in my personal life?
Who are my mentors in my professional life?


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