The Young Church

Monday, June 12, 2006

Deanery 5--SFSYA Group invites you...

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick reminder about a couple of upcoming social events taking place through St. Mary's Young Adult Group in Los Gatos (also known as St. Mary's SFSYA group).

Check your schedules and if either of the following interests you, let me know ASAP. Please, please respond if you would like to attend. We would like to have an accurate count of those who intend to join us so that we can be sure to have enough food, tickets, etc..

First off: A bbq/picnic on Sunday, June 25th at 12:30 p.m. at the grass lot off of Lyndon Ave. (behind the church) at St. Mary's in Los Gatos. Festivities are planned to start around 12:30 p.m. and end sometime around 3:30 p.m.. Feel free to join us for the 11:15 a.m. mass at St. Mary's and then simply walk to the grass lot afterward. Good food, good company and bonus--live music!!!

Second: Join us for a San Jose Giants baseball game on Sat., July 29th. Game time is 5 p.m.. We will plan to meet in downtown Los Gatos and carpool from there (time and place yet to be determined). Or feel free to meet us directly at the game. Tickets are $9. Yes, it is still over a month away, but we would like to reserve our tickets in the next few weeks. So, if you will be joining us, please let me know by July 9th the very latest or else we cannot guarantee you a ticket. There will not be another reminder, so please don't forget to r.s.v.p.!

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We hope you will be able to join us!
Have a great week!


All Young Adults Welcome!We invite all young adults (anywhere from age 18-mid 40's) to join us! Officially known as the SFSYA group (Social, Faith Sharing and Service Young Adult Group), we meet monthly for fun events, service projects, and to share our faith experiences with one another. Based out of St. Mary's Parish in Los Gatos, all young adults are welcome to attend. We especially welcome our brothers and sisters from neighboring parishes in deanery number five, including: Sacred Heart, Church of the Ascension, St. Joseph of Cupertino, Queen of Apostles, St. Martin of Tours, St. Lucy's, St. Thomas of Canterbury, and St. Francis Cabrini, among others.


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