The Young Church

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I am proud to be one of you!

  • The Institute was a wonderful learning experience which covered as many dimensions of youth ministry as one could pack into two and a half days. Some phrases I kept hearing:
    The diocesan role as support and resource, not as event planner;
    You serve at the pleasure of your Bishop;
    Your clients are the pastors;
    What doesn't work??? Top-down;
    What works? Ground-Up;
    Sustainable Frameworks means vision and strategic planning toward desired outcomes;
    Maps, maps, maps--or we will lose sight of the vision;
    Be a bridge and partner with the ministries in the office;
  • Core Competencies;
  • working in partnership;
  • responsible participation for our young people
  • Selling the vision downstream...
  • Selling the Vision upstream

and my personal favorite.....

Our Young People deserve the Best we have to give!!


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