The Young Church

Monday, July 10, 2006

Immersion Trips To New Orleans, TJ, San Francisco, Fort Apache

The month of June is the Tahoe retreat month. July is fast becoming the Immersion Trip month.
The week after Tahoe, St Mary Gilroy youths traveled to TJ to build homes for a poverty stricken community;
The San Jose Chinese Catholic Community has been traveling to help build homes in TJ for several years.
Last week Val Liberty of St. Simon Parish took a group of youth to New Orleans to help with clean up, painting, plumbing and all kinds of very hard work to help the people still without homes in the area. Val's story is awe-inspiring!
This week Deacon Steve Herrera will be taking of group o high school youth to San Francisco's Tenderloin to work at St. Anthony's kitchen all week. Joan Schenck from St. Francis Cabrini will be bringing a group from their parish.
The week of July 24, Deacon Herrera will be traveling on his 3rd Immersion Trip since June to TJ with a group of Young Adults and Teens to build homes with Los Ninos ministries.
In a few hours I will be leaving with one of my sons, Paul, to join St. Julie parishioners traveling to TJ to build a home for a poor homeless family.
Tomorrow and July 24 our Youth Council will be traveling to the YouthLeader retreat as in preparation for their roles on the Bishop's Youth Council this year.

All of these experiences and the stories that emerge from them will be available for you for discussion, dialogue and information on Sept 16--the 3rd Annual Youth and Young Adult day--Bridging the Gap. It wil be a great day of celebration!!!! (Next planning meeting for the Y and YA day Committee is on July 18, 7 pm at St. Julie parish. If you would like o serve on this committee, please email Claudid Gallaher at


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