The Young Church

Friday, September 22, 2006

Catechesis---> the foundation of authentic discipleship--how do we do this well????

D. Scott Miller is the Coordinator for Adolescent Faith Formation Division of Youth and Young Adult Ministry Archdiocese of Baltimore. Scott re-joined the DYYAM staff in June 2005. His responsibilities include the areas of adolescent catechesis and confirmation.

Check out D. Scott Miller's website and his powerpoint presentations...

Great Resources from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry!
At the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry's Annual Membership Meeting, a team of leaders presented on the National Directory for Catechesis and Adolescent Catechesis. Click here to see more...

Reources for Youth Catechesis from NFCYM
The following post is from the NFCYM Bulletin Connected--resources for Youth Catechesis.

What is Catechesis?
Life becomes most meaningful even, adventure-some when we have opportunities to gather in reflection, those encounters in our lives which have deeply impacted us or changed us...

Tilling the Soil for Youth Catechesis--Must Do's to get at the hearts of our youth!!!!
Pizza is Good-But Let's Give Our Young People What They Really Want:
Catechesis for Young People.


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