The Young Church

Friday, September 22, 2006

Youth Summit

Dear Minister to the Young Church,

Hello and greetings to you and the work you are doing with the Young Church. We are writing to invite you and ask for your participation in our upcoming Bay Area Youth Summit. The summit will be held in the Santa Clara Convention Center on November 10, 2006 from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. It is co-sponsored by the (Arch) Dioceses of Monterey, San Jose, and San Francisco. The focus of the Youth Summit has three parts: Leadership, Vocation, and Partnership in Ministry.

The success of the summit is based in part by your willingness to share in the larger vision of what we are hoping to do. Attached you will find a youth ministry session "ready to go" for the youth of your parish community. We ask that you engage with the young people of your parish using the various activities provided for you. Following the session you are then invited to forward the results to your Diocesan Director by October 2nd. The Youth Summit is a grass roots experience; the direction of the summit and its events are generated from the responses of the youth that are sent forward. Please fill out the registration form as soon as possible if you plan to attend the event. Each diocese is limited to 40 representatives, which includes both youth and adults spaces are available on a first-come first-serve basis. The cost is $30 per person, which includes registration, dinner, and a concert with F.O.J. (Friends of Jesus) and Lytehouse.

The summit results will help guide the participants the young people we serve in building the Kingdom through leadership, expanding perspective on vocation, and partnering together youth and adults in ministry. We thank you for your participation in the process and hope you enjoy the session attached.

Peace and Good,

Patrick Mooney (Diocese of Monterey)
Anelita Reyes Archdiocese of San Francisco)
Sandy Scott (Diocese of San Jose)


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