The Young Church

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Something from the Ministry of Evangelization, Justice and Peace...

Order Advent 2006: Celebrating the light of the World (Publication No. 5-783; packs of 25 for $5.00/pack) through USCCB Publishing (1-800-235-8722, The new tri-fold design can be laid out on a table in a way that draws small groups together for reflection and discussion. It is designed for families, individuals or small groups to take daily steps on the path of prayer and action from the first Sunday of Advent on December 3 to Christmas day and into the new year, including January – Poverty in America Awareness Month. This year, the resource includes a separate insert with supplemental information about CCHD and suggestions for gift-giving that supports just causes through CCHD economic development projects. Users will find tips for using the resource and the traditional Advent wreath blessing. Order by October 31st to ensure availability.

CCHD’s Virtual Advent Calendar is updated with text from the 2006 print resource. You can “open” the doors each day to find action ideas, web resources, and poverty stats that can help individuals and groups exercise their faith. Use this animated online tool to work with poor and low-income people in the U.S. and

Please click on Catholic Relief Services to see the flyer and click here for CRS youth ministry resources!


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