The Young Church

Sunday, December 03, 2006

November "06 Newsletter

The Young Church Newsletter
Diocese of San JoseNovember 2006
My prayer is that you are having a happy Thanksgiving weekend with friends and family. I hope you will find something useful to use in this update. This just in!!! Basketball game between priests and seminarians--details below!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
in this issue
Diocesan Youth Retreat at Tahoe
What is RENEW-Theology on Tap?
Youth Summit at the FF Conference
ToT and the Local Scene~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bishop Youth Council
The next meeting with the Bishop and the Youth Council is Thursday December 7. The Youth Council met last month to discuss the informal survey that they sent out in September. There was less than a 40% return of the survey from the parishes, which makes it difficult to interpret the data received into meaningful information. Could each parish check the list below and make sure that the contact person and information is correct?Please call or email me to update or correct any error on the contact list. I am deeply grateful to Annalora Calin-Campus Ministry at Presentation High School, and Terry Cotting-Mogan, Religion Coordinator at Holy Family Parish School, who have volunteered their time this past year in the development of this council. Thank you for your support!
The list... -

Diocesan Youth Retreat at Tahoe
We have hired Michelle Adams to coordinate Tahoe 2007. Michelle has a lot of experience in youth ministry, WYD pilgrimages, NCYC, the Tahoe retreat and has completed the National Certificate in Youth Ministry. She currently coordinates the Confirmation process at St. Mary's in Gilroy.More pics of past Tahoes...

What is RENEW-Theology on Tap?In the U.S. the theology on Tap program has become synonomous with ministry to young adults. Begun in Cicago in 1981, TOT provides a casual forum where young adults, ages 18-39, single and married, gather in parish halls or restaurants for "straight talk, hard facts, and real answers.Read on...

Youth Summit at the FF Conference
The Youth Summit was a great success for those parishes who were able to participate. Michael Thiesen, Director of Membership Services has worked with Patrick Mooney, Megan Prior Lorentz and myself to develop the process for the summit and also facilitated the summit for the day. We were happy...
Top 10 youth wish list... -

ToT and the Local SceneDeanery 2 has made the decision to support the Young Adult leadership group in their request to bring the TOT-RENEW process to their area...Read on...

Basketball Game DSJ Priests vs. DSJ SeminariansFebruary 2, 2006Mitty High School @ 7 pmDonation adults $10 child $5Learn More -

:: 408-983-0135

Diocese of San Jose 900 Lafayette St. 301 Santa Clara CA 95050


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